
Things to Know for Before and After Surgery


Pre-Operative Instructions


Following are some frequently asked questions regarding pre-operative  care instructions. Every surgery is different, and every patient is  unique. Please talk to your physician and/or nurse and make sure you  understand any pre op instructions for your personal care.

  • You should not eat or drink anything after midnight.
  • If  you normally take heart or blood pressure medicine in the morning, take  them with 1 ounce of water the day of surgery. This does not include  Aspirin, Plavix, or Coumadin. These cardiovascular medications must not  be taken for two weeks before and after your surgery, unless otherwise  directed by your physician. Do not take diuretics. Ask about any other  medications you take.
  • If you are a diabetic, please call for instructions.
  • Wear  comfortable clothes that are easy for you to put on in a sedated state.  It will be easiest for you if you wear a button-down shirt.
  • Yes,  please shower, shampoo and brush your teeth. Please do not apply  cosmetics, lotions, or eye makeup. Do not wear any jewelry or valuables,  and remove body piercing items. Please do not wear fingernail polish.
  • Wear your glasses instead of contacts on the day of surgery. If you must wear your contacts, bring a container for your lenses.
  • You must have a ride home; it is illegal for you to drive after sedation. Please have someone stay with you for 24 hours.
  • If  you develop a cold, persistent cough, fever or any other health-related  problems before your surgery, or if you need to cancel your surgery,  please notify your physician.
  • Please avoid Aspirin, Aspirin  products, Ibuprofen, Plavix, Coumadin, Vitamin E, and most natural herbs  two weeks before surgery. You may use Tylenol products. Please call us  at 786-519-2205 with questions before taking any over the counter  medications.

Post-operative Instructions

Following are some general post operative care instructions. Every  surgery is different, and every patient is unique. Please talk to your  physician and/or nurse and make sure you understand any post op  instructions for your personal care.

Important Information

You  will have either a local anesthesia with sedation or general  anesthesia. Please pay particular attention to the following for 48  hours: Do not drink alcoholic beverages. Avoid smoking. Do not drive a  motor vehicle, operate machinery or power tools. If the patient is a  child: no bicycle riding, skateboards, gym sets, etc. Do not make any  important decisions or sign any legal papers. You may experience light  headiness, dizziness and sleepiness following surgery. Please do not  stay alone. A responsible adult should be with you. Rest at home with  slow, moderate activity as tolerated. Progress slowly to your regular  diet. Start with liquids, working up to solids. Eat slowly and chew your  food well.Type your paragraph here.

Pain Management
Please  remember each surgery is different and you will be given specific  information regarding your surgery. Please call anytime before your  scheduled surgery to have your questions answered. Take prescription  medication as directed. Do not drive, operate machinery or power tools,  and avoid alcoholic beverages while taking this medication. Please do  not take aspirin or medication containing aspirin for two weeks after  surgery. This includes Anacin, Alka-Seltzer, Florinal, Empirin,  Bufferin, Ascriptin, Excedrin, and some cold remedies. Do not take  ibuprofen products. You may take Tylenol, extra strength Tylenol or  Co-Tylenol. If you have any questions about a particular medication,  please call our office.

You will be  sent home with your dressings on, and we will give you instructions on  dressing changes. You may need to plan on having extra dressings  available for your post op recovery time.

You  can usually shower within 48 hours. You will be given specific  instructions regarding this. Do not soak the incisions for a long period  of time. We do not want you in a bathtub or swimming until you get the  ok from your doctor.

Apply Ice
You may find it soothing to apply cold packs to your surgery site.

It  is helpful to have extra pillows available to create more comfortable  positions. Certain surgeries require you to have your head or legs  elevated.

Post Op Medication
We will provide  you with a prescription for pain pills, and if needed, a prescription  for an anti-nausea medication and an antibiotic. These will be an  additional expense. Please note, no prescriptions are refilled on the  weekends.

Reasons to call us immediately
Please  call if you have any problems or you experience: Unusual pain,  bleeding, swelling, or bruising in operative area. Signs of infection:  pus, redness, fever, chills or excessive drainage. Pain that the  prescribed medication does not affect. Difficulty in breathing,  persistent nausea or vomiting. 

Financing Options


It's  something you've always wanted to do, but something else was always  there to hold you back. Well, not anymore. We offer Prosper Healthcare  Lending and Care Credit.

In addition, you may pay with cash or  credit cards. If your surgery is of a reconstructive nature or deemed  medically necessary, it may be covered by insurance. Please give us a  call at 305.273.7998 to discuss your options.

  • Cash
  • Credit cards: American Express, VISA, Mastercard, Discover
  • Prosper Health Lending
  • Carecredit​​

Hospital Affiliations


South Miami Hospital

Baptist Hospital

Kendall Regional Medical Center

Nicklauss Children's Hospital (Miami Children's Hospital)

West Kendall Baptist Hospital

Aventura Hospital